Friday, 17 May 2013

We're not lucky, we're just making the most of what we have

Let's start with a conversation nearly 8 years ago...

Sitting in an office, Mr and I were talking for pretty much the first time and he said that his Mum had died recently, it turned out our first 'dates' would be me helping to clear and sort his Mum's flat. Add to that, his Dad had died in a horrific accident only 6 months earlier, it's been a tough 8 years!

It's taken all this time and a LOT of heartache to sort things out, in that time we've got married, had one child and another on the way, but everyday I just wish that his Mum in particular got to meet me, see her son get married and meet her grandchildren.

So as we get ready to move into our own house and stop paying someone else's mortgage I'm really struggling. I've had so many comments of 'you're so lucky' and worse being teased for being posh because of where we've bought (it's really not).

Yes, we've been able to buy a house where we wanted to, but I'd give it up any day of the week if it meant his Mum still being here.

We're not lucky, we're just making the most of what we have left.